Interviews, Lectures and Profiles
March 15, 2023. Award-winning plant geneticist Pam Ronald to give Rose M. Litman Lecture
January 10, 2023. Talk Future: A Dialogue With VinFuture Prize 2022 Laureates
January 24, 2023. National Academy of Sciences profile of Pamela Ronald
June 2, 2022. Pam Ronald Featured on 'Face to Face' with Chancellor May
March 1, 2022. Create the Future: An Engineering Podcast, Engineering the Future of Food
August 23, 2021. Pamela Ronald: Professor in the Genome Center and Department of Plant Pathology at University of California, Davis
November 04, 2020. Mind of a scientist: Interview with Prof. Pamela Ronald and Dr. Flor Ercoli, UC Davis
April 13, 2019. How much do you know about genetically modified food and non-GMO labels? - Global News
Reasonable Versus Unreasonable Doubt - American Scientist
September 19, 2018. Pamela Ronald -- Plant Genomics and the Future of Food -- Don Rix Distinguished Keynote Address -Genomics Minute
December 18, 2017. Gentech - aber Bio Ein Öko-Landwirt will neue Wege gehen - 3Sat
December 05, 2017. Crispr - Revolution im Genlabor - Das Erste
October 18, 2017. Going With the Grain: Pamela Ronald… Plant Biologist, Geneticist And Rice Savior - Women You Should Know
November 22, 2017. Would You Put the Genetically Modified Arctic Apple in Your Pie? - Wired
October 26, 2017. Non-GMO food labels are incredibly misleading—and could be harming you and the environment - Quartz
August 07, 2017. Understanding GMOs and the Future of Food - StarTalk
April 26, 2017. Our planet needs evidence-based policies, not preconceived notions - San Francisco Chronicle
April 22, 2017. Protesters take to the streets in SF March for Science -San Francisco Chronicle
March 14 , 2017. Fake news plagues scientists, too -Peninsula Press
Stop Generalising GMOs -For Foods Sake
March 2, 2017. The Future of Food and Genetic Technology in a “Post-Truth” World -Real Agriculture
February 27, 2017. GMO vs. Organic Could they learn to work together? A growing population and a changing climate may demand it. -Growler Magazine
January 27, 2017. Pam Ronald Sat Down With FSE's David B Lobell to Talk Plant Genetics, Future Of Food & Sustainable Farming. -Stanford University FSE
January 26, 2017. How Likely Are Academics To Confess To Errors In Research? -THE Features
The Good Doctor Episode 2, Dr. Dave Montgomery interviews Pamela Ronald -TGDTV
August 31, 2015. US-Forscher korrigieren fehlerhafte Studie- Deutschlandfunk
Can This Scientist Unite Genetic Engineers and Organic Farmers? -National Geographic
March, 2015. Pamela Ronald: The case for engineering our food- TED2015
March 25, 2015. Taking Genetics from Bench to Farm Studying Crop Resistance to Disease and Stress mp3 -People Behind the Science
March 30, 2015. Can Plant Genetics Help Solve World Hunger? Science Says Yes [Forbes]
September 21, 2012. The Eyes of Nye - Genetically Modified Foods
The Next Green Revolution- National Geographic Magazine
October 23, 2014. A Genetically Modified Menu- Innovation Hub
Interview with Professor Pamela Ronald- Audiommunity Episode 6
December 20, 2012. Highlights from The Tech Awards Gala 2012 with N. R. Narayana Murthy
August 25, 2014. “SEEDS OF DOUBT”, An activist’s controversial crusade against genetically modified crops.
Engineering Resistance to Infection and Tolerance to Stresses video -iBiology
January 17, 2016. Tomorrow's Table Audio Interview with Pamela Ronald & Raoul Adamchak
August 27, 2012. Genetically Modified Conservation- Conservation Remix
February 11, 2010. Herper, Matthew (2010-03-01). “Green Genes”. Forbes.com. Retrieved 2012-06-02. “Agriculture Markets, News and Weather”.
July 13, 2012. Interview with Professor Pamela Ronald mp3- SkeptEco
Mid-November, 2019. DTN/The Progressive Farmer. Retrieved 2012-06-02.
June 17, 2012. Skeptic Check: OMG, GMO?- Big Picture Science
May 23, 2012. How will we feed world's growing population?- Minnesota Public Radio
May 7, 2012. Can organic farming sustain the world's food needs? Experts say a mix of organic and conventional farming can help.- KXJZ's Insight
April 9, 2012. Pam Ronald gives online lecture on sustainable agriculture.- iBioSeminars
June 30, 2014. Rita Hosking sings "Sierra Bound", a story about a young plant biologist.
January, 2012. Sub1 mentioned in Bill Gates' 2012 annual letter (PDF)- Gates Foundation
April 3, 2012. "A Symposium on the Evolution of Common Molecular Pathways Underlying Innate Immunity"- Center for Comparative Medicine, UC Davis (mp4 available for Beutler, Hoffman, Ronald, and O'Neill)
January 24, 2012. Plant and Human Immune Similarities (MP3)- Capital Public Radio
December 15, 2011. Nepal and Others Mull Monsanto’s Role in Advancing Agriculture (PDF)- Dot Earth, New York Times Blog
December 12, 2011. Tiny protein helps bacteria ‘talk' and triggers defensive response in plants (PDF)- UC Davis CAES
July 28, 2011. GMOrganic, A Botanical Love Story- The Ration
May 25, 2011. The 2011 AAAS Charles Valentine Riley Memorial Lecture- AAAS
Spring, 2011. Improving Rice for Food and Grasses for Energy (PDF)- Bioenergy Connection
Spring, 2011. Biotech without foreign genes (PDF)- Land Report
April 1, 2011. Family Affair (PDF)- The Scientist
January 30, 2011. Vegetative Warfare- Chemical & Engineering News
January 10, 2011. Varied Menus for Sustaining a Well-Fed World- Dot Earth - New York Times Blog
November 10, 2010. The Debate Continues: The Economist Hosts Debate on the Compatibility of Biotechnology and Organic Agriculture- Nourishing the Planet, A Worldwatch Institute Blog
November 18, 2010. Pamela Ronald, UC Davis - Hub Culture Interview at GGCS3- Hub Culture
July 5, 2000. Frankenfoods, should genetically modified produce frighten you?- LA Weekly
August 27, 2010. Genetically Modified Conservation- Conservation Magazine
A Harvest for 9.2 Billion- Zester Daily
October 19, 2020. Biotech Nation, a NPR weekly program- Technation.com
November 01, 2008. Tomorrow's Table: Blogging from Bangladesh- Pam's Blog
January 17, 2016. Organically Grown and Genetically Engineered: The Food of the Future- The Long Now Foundation
August 18, 2009. Genetic Engineering Not a New Science- Youtube (clip from The LongNow Foundation)
March 01, 2010. Green Genes: Are genetically modified crops eco-friendly?- Forbes
February 11, 2010. Dramatic changes in agriculture needed as world warms and grows- UC Davis News Service
November 02, 2009. Flood-Resistant Rice Aids Farmers in South Asia- Voice Of America
Radically rethinking agriculture- SmartPlanet
Summer, 2009. Grains of Truth- Reed Magazine
January 04, 2010. Can we feed the world without damaging it?- The New York Times
July 12, 2010. Pamela Ronald has developed a more flood-tolerant rice ?- Earthsky
September 26, 2008. Immune response is good, but not if it damages plant - Dateline (UCD)
May 26, 1997. Rice-Gene Scientist Sharing Success With Poor Nations - SFGate
December 15, 1995. Genetic Engineering Creates Rice Resistant to Destructive Blight - The New York Times
December 15, 1995. High Hopes for Gene-Spliced Rice - SFGate
February 5, 2009. Fighting hunger with flood-tolerant rice- CNN
Denialism- KQED
February 12, 2007. Food, Farming and Genetics: A Panel Discussion with Michael Pollan- UCTV
July 09, 2009. Sustainably Engineered Organic- Wired Magazine
June 18, 2009. Scientific Flip-Flop - Five experts debate the roots of GM opposition- Seed Magazine
April 24, 2008. GMO coupled with organic farms best for environment- Reuters
September 21, 2012. The Eyes of Nye: Genetically Modified Foods (video)
Mid-November, 2009. Reconciling GMOs and Organics- The Progressive Farmer
December 23, 2008. Asian farmers will get a disaster-proof version of an essential crop- Popular Science
December 4, 2008. UC Davis Scientists Develop Flood-Resistant Rice- CBS13
Winter, 2008 - 2009. Organic + GMO?- Organic Gardening Magazine